In order to sell or offer your music albums on Future Sounds for downloading, you must prepare your audio files as per our requirements. The album will be uploaded only if the songs and information is provided in the same format as outlined in this page. For any questions or clarification, please email us at [email protected]


Album Art / CD Cover File-name should be in the following name format

  • 01-Album-Name-Album-Art.jpg
  • 02-Album-Name-Album-Art.jpg, etc..


  • 01-Junbai-Modern-Album-Art.jpg
  • 02-Junbai-Modern-Album-Art.jpg,

Images should be of high resolution, minimum resolution is 500x500px.

You may also include any other poster, banner, flyer created for the music album/song.


You may also include any promo video of the song/album in mp4 format for uploading in our YouTube Channel.


  • Each MP3 song should be properly tagged with Song name, artist name, album name, album art, etc..
  • MP3 files should be atleast of 256Kbps bitrate

MP3 files should be in the following name format

  • [] (serial number) – (album name) – (song name).mp3


  • [] 01 Junbai Modern – Champa.mp3
  • [] 02 Junbai Modern – Dinore Dintu.mp3

All the MP3 songs should be compressed into a zip folder with the following name format

  • (Album name)-[Year-MP3-bitrate].zip
  • e.g. Junbai-Modern-[2014-MP3-256Kbps].zip

Sample Songs

  • Each sample song should be of max 30sec duration and 96Kbps for small file size (important)
  • Each sample song should fade in/out
  • Each sample song should be in the same name format as the original songs

Album Description / Intro

Each album should have a small description / intro of minimum 100 words.

Additional Information required

  • Format – e.g. MP3 128 Kbps, MP3 256 Kbps, MP3 320 Kbps, Wav, FLAC, etc..
  • Genre – e.g. Pop, Rock, Romantic, Modern, Bihu, etc..
  • Year – Year of Release
  • Language – Language of Song, e.g. Assamese
  • File Size – Total File Size in MB

Album Song List

Each album should have a song list table in the following format

Serial No. – Song Title – Artist – Length – Album Name

We have provided the table code for your reference. Please use the following snippet and provide your details in the same format


  1. Satyajit Das

    প্ৰয়োজনীয় গানবোৰ একোৱেই নাপাওঁ … বন্ধ কৰক এইটো ৱেবচাইট ! আমি বিনামূলীয়াকৈ ডাওনলোড নকৰো নহয় ! পইচা দি কিনিমটো । জুবিনদাৰ মোৰ মিনতি আৰু কিং, এই দুটা এলবাম আপলোড কৰক । With original sound quality…

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