About the Album

Nostalgia Ityaaadi – The first solo album from upcoming and versatile artist Manash Mahanta, offers a refreshing new collection of assamese songs. Nostalgia Ityaaadi has been composed, directed and produced by Manash. The album is available for download at Future Sounds.

Sample Songs

Song List

Track NameArtistMusic BySpecs
NostalgiaManashManashMP3 128 kbps
Chik MikManashManashMP3 128 kbps
Kiyo TumiManashManashMP3 128 kbps
XunyotaManashManashMP3 128 kbps
AddaManashManashMP3 128 kbps
MehgareManashManashMP3 128 kbps
NuxudhibaManashManashMP3 128 kbps
ModiraManashManashMP3 128 kbps